Tour Highlight

(In front of docent desk, welcome, factoids, and tour outline)

Milestones of Flight
(Move away from docent desk and start with the Spirit of St. Louis at Gallery 100, along with the Bell X-1, XP-59P, and X-15; continue with Mercury Friendship 7 then turning the group to Gemini IV, next move to position in front of the Apollo 11 CM)

Space Race
(Move to Gallery 114 to see V-1 in flight and V-2 in launch position; and then turn around to find a Skylab; and continue to cover the Apollo-Soyuz Rendezvous, Hubble Space Telescope, and Space Shuttle)

Lunar Exploration Vehicles
(Move over to Gallery 112 to cover the Lunar Module and other spacecraft)

Moving Beyond Earth
(Continue the tour by visit an immersive exhibition that places visitors “in orbit” to explore recent human spaceflight at Gallery 113)

(Next continue to second floor by move up to Gallery 209 for a closer look at the Wright's Flyer)

(Continue the tour by underneath Fokker T-2 with Chicago and Lockheed Vega visible at Gallery 208)

(Move up to balcony next to Gallery 206, first stop by Ford Tri-Motor and next swing around to the left and look at the Mailwing, Alpha, and Boeing 247; and alongside that is the famous DC-3)

(Then visit the Gallery 205 by first stop between Bf-109 and Macchi; and then move to Zero; and continue for a closer look at the Spitfire and P-51)

(Thanks/ IMAX /Food/Gift shop)